Thursday 3 July 2014

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A Brief History Of Programming Languages

Hi friends, in this Info-graphic I will show you A Brief History Of Programming Languages.

In a world of increasing inter-connectivity, programming languages form the foundation. Did you know that the first programming language is over 100 years.

History Of Programming Language
History Of Programming Language

Computer Programming Enable users to Write Programs for Specific algorithms. The first computer codes were specialized for their applications. In the first decades of the 20th century, numerical calculations were based on decimal numbers.

Recommended: Info-graphic - The “World Of Programming”

In addition to outlining the history of languages and how each is traditionally used, you’ll find information on what type of vulnerabilities are most common in programs developed in each language and which flaws are most typically fixed once discovered.

Did You Know There are 256 Programming Languages but we are know some programming languages(Like Python,C language,Java etc) that we are using regularly and useful languages. Look out on the below Info-graphic for History of Programming Language

                                            History Of Programming Languages [Info-Graphic] 

               The History of Programming Languages

Nine Tips for Secure Programming

  • Ensure that sensitive data is properly encoded and encrypted
  • Validate all input and output
  • Implement comprehensive yet realistic security policies
  • Use passwords and session management practices to verify users
  • Write code that is free of hardcoded credentials or cryptographic
  • Store data securely
  • Write code that is capable of handling exceptions (errors) securely
  •  Always check for OWASP Top Ten vulnerabilities
  •  Use access control and permissions to protect resources and limit application/user capabilities
Enjoy A Brief History of Programming Languages and Share if you Like and Don’t forget to comment below what you are thinking about this programming languages Info-graphic.


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